Release Notes: Alpha 4 + Pixelizer Module ๐ŸŸฅ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฆ

Hi Pixel Pushers!

This build features a new "Pixelizer" module along with a bunchton of fixes, updates, and overall improvements.

The Pixelizer module was designed to make icons, portraits, thumbnails and other content from your existing images. This module provides a simple and 'visual hands-on' approach to converting images into a pixel [mosaic] style.

You can crop and stretch your source material as you pixelize and the process will count up to 128 colors. The top 16 most used colors are displayed.

Some enlarged Pixelizer output examples

Release Notes:

Added: Pixelizer Module

Added: 'Open OS Folder' button in Modules

Fixed: Various issues in all Modules

Updated: 'Help' info updated in all Modules

Updated: Extensions updated, thank you Sam!

Changed: 1-bit Creator: 'Mirror' functions moved to 'Render Tools II'

Changed: 1-bit Creator: 'New/Clear Canvas' function moved to 'File Functions'

Changed: Swapped out included sample images

UI/FX: Updated tooltips style

UI/FX: Updated most buttons and icons to new style

[A lot more small items I didn't even track]

Notes for Existing Users:

Nothing should be required to use the new version.
You can optionally backup and remove the "sample-backgrounds" and "sample-images" folders to get the new sample artwork included with this version to load at the next startup.

Looking forward:

There are a few new modules already planned in addition to a full color, multi-layer, image editor. Stay tuned and provide any feedback if you have passionate opinions about art applications โ˜ฎ


Agave Art Sweet - alpha 4 - 3 MB
Nov 26, 2022

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